under review
Johannes Theilmann
Merged in a post:
Support saving episodes I like
Helena Peña
Have the possibility of saving episodes without the need of downloading them (a personal episode-shelf)
Johannes Theilmann
under review
Johannes Theilmann
If so try to consolidate votes :)
Christoph Eckardt
This is related to bookmarking, right?
Helena Peña
Christoph Eckardt: yes, seems like so!
I'll present my use case. I'm listening to podcasts when I'm walking. I'm listening interesting stuff that later I'd like to come back to. I'd like to set a bookmark at any time of the podcast episode, so later when I'm at home, I can go to certain time of episode and listen it again. Preferable, when setting bookmark, I'd like to set note with topic.
jo t
How do you want to use the feature. In the continue section you can go on later with your podcast or do you want to use it as a favourite or like feature?